On October 2-3, BIO-STREAMS partners convened in the picturesque city of Maribor, Slovenia, for the project’s 4th consortium meeting. Over the course of two days, participants shared research updates, exchanged knowledge, and strengthened collaborations to enhance efforts in combating childhood obesity across the EU.

Day 1 was dedicated to reviewing progress since the last meeting in Zürich. Partners showcased their achievements, tackled challenges, and explored strategies for optimising workflow. These discussions laid a solid foundation for well-coordinated efforts as the project advances. Additionally, UKC Maribor, the meeting’s host, held a press conference to highlight BIO-STREAMS’ vision and initiatives, which received coverage on local television. This media spotlight underscores the urgency of facing the complex issue of childhood obesity. We are proud to be recognised as a driving force in addressing this critical challenge!

Day 2 of the meeting centered on fostering synergies and enhancing collaboration, particularly through school-based initiatives that engage children — one of BIO-STREAMS’ key stakeholders. Partners involved in community building, technology, schools, hospitals and research, participated in productive brainstorming sessions to develop effective tools and solutions tailored to children of different age groups. These essential discussions paved the way for future actions, reinforcing the project’s impact on addressing childhood and adolescent obesity in the EU.

The BIO-STREAMS project kicked off in May 2023 and is a five-year Horizon Europe Research & Innovation project. With the cooperation of twenty-nine European partners/beneficiaries, coming from a diverse set of companies, organisations, and esteemed universities, the project will deliver a dedicated underage obesity biobank providing real-world health data (including biospecimens, anthropometrics, behavioural and cost data) from retrospective and prospective sources, while taking into account efficient data harmonisation and standardisation principles, transforming data valorization towards underage obesity prevention and future research. The BIO-STREAMS project will have a 48-month duration with a designated completion date 30th of April 2027.

Catch up on past insights BIO-STREAMS 3rd Consortium Meeting in Zurich: Advancing Childhood Obesity Research

Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting developments from the BIO-STREAMS Consortium as we continue to work together toward a healthier future for children around the world.